Page 6 - SouthernStyle.June2018
P. 6
Create a beautiful
Create a beautiful
and organized life
and organized life
They say that a failure to plan is a plan to fail.
In most aspects of life, this is abso-
lutely true.
In my high school and college years, I
was an avid planner. Buying school sup- plies was one of my favorite activities before the beginning of a new school year, which included the necessities of note- books, binders, pens and pencils and also a planner.
After graduation, the planning fell by the wayside and everyday life began. I didn’t think that a planner was a necessity any- more since research papers and tests were no longer a part of my life.
I couldn’t have been more wrong.
Keeping up with bill payments, medical appointments and the like became a chore and one day an ad popped up about a random planner on Facebook. Between the stickers, artsy cursive, cute clips and
the gorgeous color of the binder, it piqued interest.
A whole other world was opened — and I soon learned that the planner community was an actual thing!
Scouring the various groups on Facebook, some with upwards of tens of thousands of members, the community is huge!
Filofaxes, Erin Condren, Happy Planner and Kate Spade were among the big names of planners. Personal, A5, traveler’s note- books, bujo — what did all these terms mean? The research began and after a few hours, this seemed like something that could easily be done and planned! (Bujo stands for bullet journal by the way.)
To newbies like myself, choosing a plan- ner can be an overwhelming experience. There are numerous ways to customize
a planner to suit a person’s needs, it just needs a little, well, planning!
It is my hope to bring you a column full of useful information to help you with your planning endeavors so that you too may be able to lead a more organized, less stressful life — and maybe be a little more creative!
• • •
as organized chaos.
My brain goes in a million directions at the same time, and I find it hard to make a plan and stick with it.
While I was in school, the teachers would band together and try to make using a plan- ner mandatory. For each class you were supposed to write down what had hap- pened and any assignments, and at the end of the week you would get a grade for what you had written down.
hen it comes to the way I operate, my life can best be summarized
— Kelsey

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