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Young People Rock to be held May 1
New Eastside Missionary Baptist Church will be host- ing and sponsoring Young People Rock at 5:30 p.m. on Sunday at the church, locat- ed at 1316 Martin Luther King Blvd., El Dorado. The
purpose of this event is to inspire, challenge and moti- vate the youth of our com- munity to not only dream but to achieve their dreams.
The program is being sponsored in support of
Pastor Lee Vell Faison’s vision to “utilize our gifts to encourage and develop our young people.”
The public is invited to attend. All pastors, youth directors and youth lead-
ers are encouraged to bring their youth to participate.
Guest youth speaker will be Denechia Heard, daughter of Lisa and Ernest Heard. She is a member of Bouldware Temple Church
of God in Christ.
The keynote speaker will
be Earlene Burns, a teacher for the El Dorado School District and member of the South Arkansas Stop the Violence Coalition.
Seeking guidance from God a powerful experience
Kev Moye
Sports Writer/
El Dorado News-Times
kmoye@eldoradonews. A com
n unforeseen pause in our conversa- tion, turned out to
be powerful and timely. Earlier this week, my fian- cée and I were enjoying an entertaining discussion. However, our banter came to an abrupt halt due to a demand expressed by my
Dear Lord,
future wife. But what was it, that prompted her to inter- rupt our dialogue?
She sim-
ply stat-
ed, “Kevin
– we need
to pray.
I’m about to
pray for you right now.” She then went into a spir-
it-led prayer about situa- tions pertaining to me and eventually our loved ones. Once she completed the prayer, I had an imme- diate sense of peace and enthusiasm. One reason I experienced those emo- tions is because – with- out solicitation – my best friend passionately prayed for me. However, a big- ger reason for the joy was knowing that my fiancée and I had gone to the Most High seeking guidance. In
essence, the prayer was powerful.
However, every prayer is impactful in a multi- tude of ways. For start- ers, upon praying to the Heavenly Father – if even for a brief moment – a feeling of peace typically follows. Another power- ful aspect of prayer is the assurance it provides. In the 91st chapter of Psalm, we’re reminded that, “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high,
shall abide under the shad- ow of the Almighty.”
The conviction associat- ed with prayer is know- ing that you’ve taken ref- uge in God’s unyielding power. Thus, you’re under his unwavering protec- tion. Additionally, when considering the impact of prayer, understand that’s it’s among the tenets of Christianity. It’s hard to practice Christianity prop-
See MOYE, Page 6
Kev Moye
I pray today that You help me to control my thoughts. Help me to not think any evil towards anyone, but help me to think on things which are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of a good
report, of virtue and of praise. In Jesus name, Amen.
El Dorado NEWS-TIMES – Saturday, April 30, 2016 – 5
May is Foster Care Awareness Month
Recruiting. Training. Supporting.
Informational Meeting May 26 - 6:00 pm College Ave. Church of Christ
Karen Langston
1120 W. HILLSBORO • EL DORADO • 864-0090

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