Page 4 - Fathers Day 2020
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Honoring a Fallen Father
Father’s Day should be a special occasion, even if your dad is no longer living. Use the holiday to honor the lessons he taught and reflect on how you use his message to benefit your own family.
While the holiday may be a bittersweet event after losing your dad, honoring his legacy will create a beneficial way to cope.
Attempting to overcome the feelings associated with the loss of a loved one can cause confusion and anger in peo- ple. The American Psychological Association sug- gests that using social support and healthy habits can make the experience more tolerable. Here are a few ways the asso- ciation recommends moving on while commemorating a life lived.
• Talk about the death of your loved one.
• Accept your feelings.
• Take care of yourself and your family.
• Reach out and help others dealing with the loss.
• Remember and celebrate the lives of your loved ones.
If you find it difficult to focus on your daily life as you struggle with acceptance, reach out to a psychologist in your local area. Their expertise is valuable to help handle fear, guilt or the anxiety that arises
after the loss of a loved one.
Creating a handwritten letter can help you sort out emotions and document your thoughts and feelings. Within the draft, tell dad about significant
events in your life and share news about his family. You may find it beneficial to jot down how much you miss him and how you attempt to cope.
Once you’re finished, decide if you will share the note with your loved ones or keep the let- ter as a personal memento that
you can look back on through- out the year.
You can teach your children
about their grandfather by reminiscing through family pictures. When looking into
memories of the past, discuss the setting of the photo and talk about things you remem- ber from the day. This will give you a chance to express your feelings about your deceased father while teaching a younger generation about all the great things he did for your family.

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