Page 23 - April-May HER
P. 23

“Now here’s the cool thing, if you really want to, you know, create like a habitat for the birds, they need to know that it’s safe to hang out,” she said. They won’t give birth to their young unless they see that there’s a steady supply (of food) there that can get them through. So you toss out a few seats here and there, but the birds are like, ‘Man, this is just for now.’ They’re smart. They’re like, ‘A person is always leaving, you know?’
“Well, one year when I found that out, the results were immediate. I had over 100 hummingbirds. They were divebombing around me, so close that they would come right up to me and show their gratitude.”
Saraydarian noted that the com- monly used red hummingbird food is actually toxic to the birds. “That’s all preservatives. Real hummingbird food is super easy to make,” she said.
The ratio is one spoonful of sugar to four cups of water. The sugar must be blended to a fine powder and mixed in with the water. It is also crucial that the container is cleaned on a regular basis, Saraydarian said.
In learning more about the world around her, Saraydarian also began learning even more about herself. She says her time spent in nature has caused her to become more responsi- ble and take less for granted.
“It expanded my compassion and sensitivity to nature. It had just brought
so much understanding about what the needs are that nature has and their suf-
fering. I mean, we are in the midst of a mass extinction; the sixth extinction in
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