Page 10 - April-May HER
P. 10

HomeownersJeffandSherriW ohlrabemovedtoHotSpringsVilagetwoyearsagofrom NorthernM inesota“Theywereveryprofessional,consciousworkers,friendlyandtidy.Asthekitchenstartedtocometogether,we tobegintheirretirementinahometheyhaddemedtobeperfect-itjustnededsomeTLC.TheW ohlrabe’s loveditbutitwashardtovisualizeituntilwesaw it.Thuscomethechanges,includingmovingtheisland, begananindependentrenovationontheirnewhome’sfloring,paintingandrepairsintheirdiningrom and makingitadifferentsize,addingnewlighting,addingmorefloringandadjustingitems.Craigandhiscrew’s k i t c h en, g i v i ng b ot h r o om s am or e“ d at ed ” l o ok . f am ous w or d s w er e‘ w ec and ot h at ’ and w i t h noh es i t at i onc h ang ed t h i ng s and m ad et h i ng s w or k . T h e
L as t N ov em b er t h ey d ec i d ed t og i v et h ei r k i t c h enam ak eov er i nanot h er i nd ep end ent r enov at i onp r oj ec t t h at f l o or i ng i ns t al l er P r es t onH am i l t ond i d anaw es om ej ob and d i d ex t r as t om ak et h ef l o or l o ok ab s ol ut el y wasinspiredbyaphototheysaw inamagazineofakitchenTheFlorStorehadrenovated.“Imadeatriptothewonderful.”
store‘justtohavealok,’and Iwasgreted byCindyHern,”SherriW ohlrabesaid.“W etalked aboutour Remodelingcanbenerve-wreckingwhenitcomestothetear-outofarom,butSherrisaidthecrew worked thoughtofupdatingmykitchen;Ihadveryspecificrequestssuchasaccessibilitytobottom cabinets,colors, withthehome’sexistingroms,ultimatelygivingtheirhomeastuningkitchen.“Thecabinetsarebeautiful, w or k m ans h i p and of c our s eb ud g et . C i nd y l i s t ened and s ai d s h ew oul d c om eup w i t h s om ei d eas . H er , t h e t h eg r ani t ei s ab s ol ut el y s t un ni ng and t h el i g h t i ng and b ac k s p l as h m ak ei t ab eaut i f ul k i t c h en, ” s h es ai d . “ M y
ownerandthecontractorcameoutandhadalokatmyexistingkitchen,measuredandmadesuggestions.” Beingnew tothearea,Sherrisaidshewasnervousaboutworkmanship.
newkitchenisabsolutelystuning.Wewentfrom au-shapedcountertoaveryfunctionalisland,andalso incorporatedawonderfulcoffebarintothekitchen.Now whenyouwalkintourhome,yourfirstthought wilbe‘W OW wantanawesomekitchen!’”
“Cindyarrangedtotakeustoahomethathadjusthadakitchenmakeoverfrom TheFlorStore,”shesaid.
“ T h eh om eow ner c oul d not s ay enoug h g o od t h i ng s ab out t h ec ont r ac t or and h i s w or k m ans h i p s oi t g av em e W h i l ew or k i ng w i t h T h eF l o or St or e, Sh er r i s ai d t h ey d i d not enc ount er any “ p us h i ng s al es p eop l e. ” I ns t ead , assurancethatwewouldgetqualityworkmanship.”Oncereassured,theW ohlrabe’sreturnedtoTheFlorStoretheW ohlrabe’swereacquaintedwithFlorStorestaffwhomaitntainedthemottos“weaim toplease”and“we tochosecabinets,granite,floringandbacksplashfortheirkitchen,withtheguidanceofCindy.“W ithinafew wilgetitright.”“Theyalsoworkedwithinmybudget,”Sherrisaid.“Cabinetswereonepriceandoneprice daysIgotacalandCindysaidshecouldmetmyrequirementswithinmybudget,”Sherrisaid.“W emadeaonly.Noextrasforaltheadd-ons,specialtyitemsincabinets,etc.Icouldaddanyoptionstothecabinetsand trip tofirm up som eitem sand com m itted tourkitchen.Item swereordered and aschedulewasset;thestoreitwasthesam eprice-nosurprisesinthend.”
w oul d not s t ar t and c ons t r uc t i onunt i l al l i t em s
w er ei ns ot h er el i t t l ed i s r up t i onf or us . C i nd y k ep t us up t od at eonw h er ei t em s w er eat and w h ent h ey ar r i v ed . ”
Shealsonoted thatCindy,whowasresponsibleforthekitchendesign,had wonderfulideasand great products.“TheFlorStorehasaltheirownprofessionalstaffineach field ofcontractorand they did althe cordinatingforasmothrenovation,”Sherrisaid.“Thecontractorandcrew wereveryprofessionalandvery c ons c i ous of t h ei r w or k . T h ey d i d i t r i g h t and i t i f w ew er enot h ap p y w i t h s om et h i ng t h ey m ad ei t r i g h t . ”
Finaly,thebigdaycametostartthekitchenremodel.“CraigBailey,thefabulouscontractorandhiscrew for
JohnW anbaugh and M att M urphy show ed up and started thedem olitionand reconstruction,” Sherri said.

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