Page 17 - March-April HER
P. 17

HT H E F L O O R S T O R E . C O M P A N Y
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 om eow ner s Er i c and L or i B ow end ec i d ed t og i v et h ei r out d at ed k i t c h ena c ab i net s or i s l and s , ” t h ey s ai d .
F l o or St or ef or h el p i nt h ei r r em od el b ec aus eof i t s c onv eni ent l oc at i on. “ C and i c el i s t ened t oev er y q ues t i onand c onc er nw eh ad ab out t h ep r oj ec t , ” t h ey s ai d . EricisaCardiologistatNationalParkMedicalCenterandLoriistheRegionalSales “Shewanted tomakesurewewereinlovewith ournew kitchenand made D i r ec t or at C or d i s / C ar d i nal H eal t h , as w el l as am em b er of G ar l and C ount y ’ s C i r c l e ev er y t h i ng w or k j us t as w eh ad i m ag i ned . ”
ofFriends. D uring theactualrem odel,they described theinstalersas“com pleteprofessionals.” “W eknew wewantedtomovequicklyoncethematerialswerechosen.W ehavevery “W ewereworriedabout‘themess,’andwetrulydidnothaveone.Theycoveredour hecticschedules,andTheFlorStoreworkedwithustoscheduleaquickinstaldateflors,containedthedustandleftthehomeastheyfoundit... Justbetter.”
t h at m et our t i m el i ne– w ew er eb l ow naw ay b y h ow q ui c k l y and ef f i c i ent l y t h ei ns t al l N ow t h at t h er em od el i s c om p l et e, t h ec oup l ec ang et b ac k t ot h ei r b us y l i f ew i t h w ent . ” t h ei r f our c h i l d r enand f our r es c ued og s .
T h ec oup l es ai d t h ey s p ent t i m el o ok i ng at b ac k s p l as h es , f auc et s and s i nk s on “ W ear ev er y p l eas ed w i t h t h e end r es ul t of our k i t c h enr em od el , ” t h ey s ai d . “ I t i s Pinterest,givingthem agodideaoftheirlikesanddislikes.Aftertheirresearch, everythingwenvisionedandwecanotwaittoentertainthespaceover
c as ual and c om f or t ab l em od er nf ar m h ous es t y l e. T h et w os ai d t h ey c al l ed up onT h e r i g h t m at er i al s .
0000000“facelift”with brighterand lighterneutralcolorstoaccommodatetheir Al-in-al,Candicelistenedtothecouple’svision,guidingthem intheselectionofthe
t h ey w er eab l et ow or k w i t h C and i c eat T h eF l o or s t or et ob r i ng t h ei r v i s i ont ol i f e.
“W eloveour hand-scraped w od flors, and w ew ereloking for am aterial that puled inthetonesfrom theflor,”thecouplesaid.“Thegranitewefound did that perfectly.W elovethesimplicityofthesubwaytilewechoseforthebacksplash,but h er r i ng b onei ns t al l g i v es i t s uc h ac l as s y f e el . ”
Thenew granite,backsplash and sinksbroughtabrightnesstothespacethatresulted inacom pletetransform ation.
“It really surprised us how different therom felt w ithout m oving any existing
h ol i d ay s ! ”
HER MAGAZINE ¯ March/April 2020 17

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