Page 14 - May/June HER 2020
P. 14

HER Creator
 ‘‘‘What is something that’s funny? What’s a funny situation that you would be in trying to get out of?’ It usually just ends up being
something weird like that.
I love it, and it’s a lot of fun.”
 goal is to get out of this guy named Jerry’s bad par- ty. So he’s always throwing terrible parties, and you want to get out of it. He’ll ask you different types of questions and you have to match those with appropriate excuses. He might ask you ‘Do you have a social conflict?’ and then if you have a social
conflict card which is color-coded, you would play that, and the first person that answers three ques- tions correctly gets out of the party.”
Kendall hasn’t stopped at just one card game as she prepares for the launch of her new social deduction game called Who’s not wearing pants?
with a few ideas on the back burner. The game will arrive in about a month.
“You’re supposed to be a creative team at your work and you’re trying to complete assignments,” she said. “The way to do that is committing a cer- tain amount of time to it, but if you’re the player
   14 May/June 2020 ¯ HER MAGAZINE

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