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‘Never a boring day’ for Father D’Ameida
Terrance Armstard/News-Times
Parish Shepherd: Father Edward D’Ameida, pastor of Holy Redeemer Catholic Church in El Dorado, was enamored by the church even as a child. He has been the head of Holy Redeemer for two years.
News-Times Staff
For Father Edward D’Ameida, pastor of Holy Redeemer
Catholic Church in El Dorado, the ministry has been a life-long calling.
“I remember being seven years old and being enam- ored by the mystery of the Mass,” D’Ameida recalls. “I used to ‘play’ Mass at home with grape juice and crack- ers.”
D’Ameida has been a priest for seven years, and has been leading the El Dorado parish for two years.
“One of the first ‘big
moments’ was when I was with a family in the hospital as their father passed away,” D’Ameida says when asked when he first realized what life as a priest would entail.
“I have since had other privileged experiences where I’ve commended the soul of someone to God,” he said. “One time the per- son’s dog began to gently howl as I prayed the litany of the saints, accompanying the soul into heaven.”
D’Ameida said he has had several priests who still act as mentors to him in his work as a parish priest. “They are a wealth of expe-
rience and friendship.,” he said.
Before joining the clergy, D’Ameida was a computer programmer. “I had every- thing I could
want but I had noth- ing,” he said. “I have found my voca- tion.”
The fondest memory in D’Ameida’s career as a minister to date involves his meet- ing Pope
“As a transitional deacon
I served a Mass with Pope Benedict XVI in Rome and was able to meet him after-
wards,” D’Ameida recalled. “As pope, he was the his- torical successor of St. Peter.
See D’AMEIDA, Page 4
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