Page 9 - OnThePath.Oct.2017
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Haley Smith/News-Times
Christmas meal: Lt. Charles Smith received 90 hams, valued at $2,100 from John Tomanio of Brookshire’s on Dec. 5, 2016.
Contributed photo
Volunteers: The Norphlet Middle School chapter of Junior Beta Club volunteered to ring the bell for the Salvation Army on Jan. 17.
Haley Smith/News-Times
Doughnut Day: Stephanie Mitchell, Lt. Charles Smith and Allison Butcher hand- ed doughnuts out for national Doughnut Day on June 3.
Salvation: Continued from Page 8
who can’t afford groceries and their prescriptions or utility bills. Another program that has begun is the Client Choice Emergency Food Pantry, in which individuals or fam- ilies can make an appointment to shop from the food pantry shelves for predesignated items that fit the family’s dietary needs. This type of food pantry allows a family in need to be able to receive help for emergency food while giving them dignity as they face trying times for their family. Those that have
food allergies, dietary needs and food aversions have the ability to choose items that their family will use rather than receiving items that they may never be able to use in a prepackaged food bag.
Most importantly is the fact that The Salvation Army is a church and it has been a spiritual holi- ness movement since its early beginnings in 1865, in the streets of London, England, with its founders, William and Catherine Booth. Lt. Charles and Teri Smith are evan- gelists and desire to pull the devil’s kingdom down in El Dorado and surrounding communities, with the help of other Christians in our city. It is their main goal to win souls
and make that the first purpose of their lives.
For more information about The Salvation Army and its pro-
grams, feel free to call and make an appointment by calling 870-863- 4830 or come by their main office at 419 S. Madison.
News-Times archives
Ringing the bell: Thomas Lewis rings the Salvation Army bell outside of Wal- greens on Nov. 15, 2013.
Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas The Sentinel-Record, Saturday, Month 00, 2012 El Dorado NEWS-TIMES – SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2017 – 9
Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Romans 13:1
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