Page 7 - 2018HOLIDAYS
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Saturday, December 15, 2018
Cold weather tips —
Provided by Glenn Mechanical
With the holidays, comes the cold weather that can wreak havoc on our homes, if we don’t prepare.
Don’t worry! The experts at Glenn Mechanical are here to help you get ready.
1. Turn off and drain any outside water system that you are not using on a regular basis. If it is not possible to isolate these systems, then take precautions and wrap them with insulation and some type of water-resistant cover.
2. Insulate outside home hydrants.
3. Drain exposed swimming pool pumps, filters, piping and any device that could hold water with the potential to freeze. Some people leave the pool systems running during the winter months, and this typically works fine as long as they do not lose power.
4. Insulate any water lines that are located in the attic and/or under the house.
El Dorado News-Times
5. Ventilation is very important in a crawl space during the high humid summer, but as the cold weather comes in, the under floor ventilation is
not as important. Many people don’t think about the lines under the house and allow these to freeze when cold temps move in. Insulate these lines
and stop outside air from getting under the house. Remember to allow the ventilation when spring gets here.
1. Have your heating unit checked professionally to make sure the heat exchanger is not leaking carbon monoxide into the space.
2. Install carbon monoxide detectors in your home, especially if you have fuel-burning appliances. If you have them already, make sure the batteries are good or have been replaced. These units will usually state how many square feet they cover, which will determine how many you will need for your home or office.
3. Make sure the draft diverter on your fireplace is open, if you are building a fire.
4. If you see gas logs or space heaters burning differently or putting off a smell, turn them off immediately and contact your service professional.
Fitness: Continued from Page 6C
progress, but it is a very effective tool to manage your weight. Your weight will fluctuate because of hormones and hydration so do not be alarmed if it goes up and down a bit. The more important issue is accountability and knowing what to do if your weight starts to trend a certain direction.
Remember you can’t manage what you don’t measure. Weighing twice a week is enough to keep on track while not making holidays an OCD nightmare.
Quick Tip: Step on the scale first thing in the morning when your stomach is empty to keep consistent weigh-ins.
3. Be a bit Grinchy at dinner
When you hit the proverbial holiday feast, be a bit more Grinch before his heart grew three sizes.
You know, when he mutters, “Roast beast is a feast I can’t stand in the least.”
Try to eat only the foods you really love and in moderation. If you want a piece of pumpkin pie, have one; don’t beat yourself up over it.
Here are some foods you might want to stay away from:
(Warning: This may be frightening.)
• Egg Nog - 350 calories per cup, 20 grams of fat
• Pecan Pie - 500 calories per slice, 20 grams of fat
• White Dinner Rolls - 160 Calories per roll w/butter (and trust me you will eat more), 7 grams of fat
4. Don’t ‘save your appetite;’ Eat normally
Starving yourself all day to eat as much as possible at a holiday event will only set you up for failure. It’s easy to get out of control when you’re faced with festive choices, but this can be a daily struggle, not just during the holidays. Eat your normal meals and snacks throughout the day and strive to be satisfied, not stuffed.
Quick Tip: Aim for lots of fruits and veggies, whole grains and lean protein. Also, if you need to put on sweatpants to eat a meal, you’re probably doing something wrong.
5. Avoid morning-after food
We have all been there when we go stumbling to the fridge the next morning after a party and reheat all those delicious foods for a meal.
The problem, besides all the guilt, is we now have extended a huge meal for days to come. According to the Calorie Control Council, the average Thanksgiving Dinner is approximately
3,000 calories and for the entire day around 4,500 calories. Go and have amazing time, enjoy life, eat your favorite foods, but make it a one-day affair.
Tip: Get it out of your house! Pack it up and send it back home with your friends and family.
6. Chew slower
Slow down, life is to be savored.
There are many benefits of eating slower including better digestion, easier weight loss or maintenance and greater satisfaction with meals. Meanwhile, eating quickly leads to poor digestion, increased weight gain and lower satisfaction.
Quick Tip: It may seem strange, but try to chew at least 10 times before swallowing. You will realize one of two things: Either you will realize you weren’t really hungry or your jaw will be so tired you will stop eating!
7. Move more even if it isn’t a workout
Every little bit counts when it comes to fitness and stress relief, so make time for it.
A 10-minute meditation or a 10-minute walk around can be just what your body needs to improve your day. According to Harvard Health in 2009, walking improves
cardiovascular factors such as cholesterol and blood pressure, and protects against obesity, diabetes, depression and dementia.
For those who think the days of running and lifting weights are behind them, challenge yourself to try other forms of exercise. Yoga is way more than meditation and is one of the oldest forms of exercise at around 5,000 years. Some even believe it could date back nearly 10,000 years and yet is still today one of the best forms of both fitness and wellness.
It also is an excellent way to help lower blood pressure, attain greater flexibility and reduce stress.
Fun Fact: Walking and yoga are two of the least expensive forms of exercise and both can be done by nearly anyone. Look for a facility near you with a certified yoga professional if you are just starting off.
For more information and tips, visit or call 870-862-5442.
Clemente Saenz IV has over 18 years of experience health and wellness, and for the past five years has served as executive director of HealthWorks Fitness and Wellness Center. Saenz also serves as vice president of health and wellness at the SHARE Foundation.

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