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El Dorado News-Times Saturday, December 15, 2018
Photos by Terrance Armstard and Caitlan Butler/News-Times Camp Fire: Above and left, Smackover-Norphlet Camp Fire groups 56 and 94 visit Timmins Hardware in El Dorado for the Union County Animal Protection So- ciety's annual Santa Paws event on Nov. 29. Pictured left to right, top to bottom: (First Row) Jaci Webb, Ava Walker and Ramsey Wilson, holding Prissy, Lillie Fo- gle, Timmins Hardware owner Ashley Kerr, Aubrey Hendricks, Abbie Graham and Marley Smith. (Second Row) Seated are August Tolin, Kate Ward, Emerson Neal, Kaylee Green and Chloe Goocher. (Seated) Katherine Wolfe, Sofia Pearson Eva Ward. Left, this photo by Caitlan Butler shows members of the South Arkansas Arts Center staff and Teen Drama Club helping to load UCAPS’ float for the El Dorado Christmas parade.
Paws: Continued from Page 3C
through their door. The shelter serves over 500 animals per year, with only about half being adopted or relocated, said UCAPS Board President Sandy Maguire.
Means agreed with Jackson’s sentiment, adding that the UCAPS facility, which is located at 1000 Sunset Road, can only house 300 animals at a time – a much smaller amount than the number of animals that need a home in Union County.
“I think that dogs and cats are
animals that we have for life and it’s really important to me that animals get taken care of and found a good home for,” Means said. “Part of the reasoning of even working with UCAPS is we want to give all those animals a chance to find a good home, to find a loving home and basically have a good life.”
The fundraiser will continue through until Jan. 1. For more information, visit or the UCAPS Facebook page.
Caitlan Butler can be reached at 870-862-6611 or cbutler@
515 E Faulkner St El Dorado 870-863-0012

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