Page 4 - 2016TVTimes May 01
P. 4
4 May 1 - 7, 2016
El Dorado News-Times
cover story
Great minds
Two 20th-century icons team up to solve crimes
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By Jacqueline Spendlove
TV Media
What do an acclaimed British fiction writer and an unparalleled Ameri- can escape artist have in common? Aside from fame and 20th-century icon status, it also seems they share a knack for solving crimes.
Forget your cops and detectives. “Houdini & Doyle” sees a rather un- conventional crime-solving team take to the streets to crack some otherwise uncrackable cases.The 10-episode British-Canadian miniseries premieres Monday, May 2, on Fox.
On paper, Harry Houdini and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle have little in com- mon.The former gained international fame as an escape artist and master il- lusionist, going on to become one of the highest-paid entertainers of his time for his ability to free himself from all man- ner of handcuffs, strait jackets, locked boxes filled with water and more.The latter created Sherlock Holmes, one
of literature’s greatest detectives and most enduring figures, and his stories have become staples of crime fiction.
What they did have in common was a keen interest in spirituality, although their opinions on the subject were at opposite ends of the spectrum. Houdini was as skeptical as they come, spurn- ing belief in anything he couldn’t see,
while Doyle was a passionate believer in the supernatural, which Houdini saw as mere gimmickry. “Houdini & Doyle” plays off the real-life friendship the two men enjoyed, which, in the end, couldn’t survive their strongly conflict- ing viewpoints.
“I’ve long been intrigued by both Houdini & Doyle: men who were ahead of their time, each fascinating in [his] own right,” said executive producer Da- vid Shore, creator of the Emmy-winning series “House.” “But the idea that these two, seemingly so different, could have been friends is almost too perfect.”
That discord-within-friendship evi- dently makes for good TV, or so show- runners hope.The mystery drama stars Michael Weston (“Six Feet Under”) as Houdini and Stephen Mangan (“Rush,” 2013) as Doyle.The two grudgingly join forces with Scotland Yard to investigate unsolved crimes that bear whispers — and sometimes more than whispers
— of the supernatural, and otherwise unexplainable.
Houdini, with his wealth of magical training and illusionist know-how, is highly aware of how fraud is accom- plished, making him the ultimate skep- tic when it comes to the unprovable. With an ability to extricate himself from seemingly any situation, he’s a natural problem-solver, and should therefore be able to see something in these mysteri- ous cases that others have missed.
Doyle, by contrast, is a strong believ- er in the unseen and things that may not inhabit our mortal plain. De-
spite dreaming up the ultimate rationalist Sherlock Holmes, the
writer is also a paranormal afi- cionado, and his firm belief in the supernatural puts him constantly at odds with his counterpart as the two hunt down clues and fol- low enigmatic leads.
Caught in the middle is Adelaide (Rebecca Liddiard, “MsLabelled”), the third member of their offbeat team and the first female constable of the London Metropolitan Police
Force. She joins Hou-
dini & Doyle on cases
that appear to involve ghosts, monsters, vam- pires and more — or perhaps these forces
are just coverups for nefarious activities.
“The fundamental concept of the show is about belief — what we be- lieve and why,” series creator David Hoselton told reporters at L.A.’s Wonder Con in March, maintaining that belief in the supernatural is every bit as preva- lent today as it was during Houdini & Doyle’s time.
“We’re constantly asking ourselves: ‘What’s the limit of what’s possible?’” Shore added.
While the real Houdini & Doyle didn’t actually form a crime-fighting duo (un- fortunately), the friendship and conten- tion around which the series is formed comes from a real place. Doyle became a fervent believer in life after death following the death of his son Kingsley just before the end of the First World War. He found great solace in spiritual- ism and the belief that he could still communicate with lost loved ones, and his writing career gave way to extensive lecturing on the subject.
Houdini, by contrast, became a loud opponent of the spiritualist movement in the 1920s, expending great time and effort into debunking psychics and mediums and exposing them as frauds. Doyle actually believed that Hou-
dini himself was a powerful medium, and that his incredible stunts were performed by means of paranormal abilities. He flat-out refused to believe his friend’s insistence that it was mere trickery, and rejected Houdini’s expo- sés. In the end, the friendship couldn’t
withstand the difference in beliefs, and the two eventually came to
view one another with outright animosity.
Those views are a driving force in the miniseries, making it a challenge for the two men
to work together.While there’s a season-long arc ex- panding on the two
men’s backstories and the growth
of their relation- ship, each episode
will serve as a one-off procedural
in which a crime is solved — so they
obviously work well enough together to get the job done.
Stephen Mangan as seen in
“Houdini & Doyle”
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