Page 8 - 2016 Football
P. 8
El Dorado
El Dorado has deep group of receivers
and Green, which could lead to some fade patterns into the end zone.
On the inside, Hill has a rota- tion of Tyler Smith, Charles Cage, Evan Chandler, Remiko Richards and Dewey Wilbourn.
Hill explained the difference between inside receivers and outside receivers.
“Some of it is based off of body type. Some of it is based off of quickness. Also, it’s guys that are willing to block,” said Hill. “Outside guys need to block, too, but our inside guys are going to be blocking back- ers and safeties a lot more, so you need guys who are willing to do that.”
In some formations, the slot receiver might have a favorable matchup, especially against a linebacker. In others, they’re simply decoys.
Smith, Cage and Chandler have shown the most consis- tency during the preseason drills.
“Tyler will be a two-year starter. He’s had a great spring, great off-season, great summer. He’s a very crisp route runner, understands where he needs to be, where he fits in the scheme. He’s very good at finding the hole and sitting in it. He does a good job at blocking. He’s not the fastest guy but he makes up for it with technique,” said Hill. “Charles Cage is a fighter. I like that. What he lacks in height, he makes up for it in grit. He runs routes, not always the way it’s drawn up but he runs it hard. He will go attack people on the perimeter. He will attack backers. He will attack safeties. He will try to block people.
“Evan rotates in for both of those guys right now. He is very smart. He knows where he’s supposed to be and he gets there.”
The inside receivers include the tight ends. Hill said Cecil Delphin, Matthew Bartlett and Chase Owens have been work- ing that spot during the camp. Their role in the offense is mostly as a blocker. Delphin, a junior, is the leader at the position.
By Tony Burns
Sports Editor
EL DORADO – El Dorado split its large group of receiv- ers into two smaller groups. New coach Julian Jones, who coached receivers and defen- sive backs for the past three years at Star City, has led the outside receivers for the Wildcats. T.J. Hill, who coached the cornerbacks for the last couple of years, moved to the offensive side and works with the inside receivers this season.
Hill said he wanted to move to the other side of the football. “It was kind of a mutual decision,” he said. “Knowing Coach Monden was leaving for Camden, we’d actually talked about possibly doing that when we heard Coach Brooks might be moving on to be a prin- cipal. One day I want to be a head coach and up to this point in my career, I’ve only ever coached on the defensive side of the ball. So, I thought it would be good. He wanted me to move over and I thought it
would be a good opportunity.” Jones said he has a rota- tion of four players – Blake Cunningham, Jaylen Green, Keshun Greene and Quinn Moore - for the outside posi-
“As a group, they’re great kids.
They’re all fun to coach. They’re all coachable, for the most part. They’re all high-character guys,” said Jones, who said he’s stressing the details.
“Consistency. They have a lot of flashes of greatness. They can all really play. It’s just get- ting them to do the little things every time the ball is snapped.”
Last season, the Wildcats lacked speed on the perimeter. That could be the case once again.
“One thing we lack is a straight burner,” Jones said. “Blake Cunningham isn’t going to outrun very many people but he’s getting better at run- ning his routes and just get- ting open. When he’s open, he’s going to catch it, nine out of 10 times.”
What the Wildcats do have is height in the form of Greene
Terrance Armstard/News-Times
Inside receivers: El Dorado’s inside receivers include, front from left, Dewey Wilourn, Tyler Smith, Jarvis Robinson, Cecil Delphin, Charles Cage and Matthew Bartlett. Back row, Remiko Richards, Derek Jobe, Evan Chandler, Coach T.J. Hill and Chase Owens.
Terrance Armstard/News-Times
Outside receivers: El Dorado’s outside receivers include, front from left, Keshun Greene, Evan McGoogan, Jaylen Green, Alston Andrews and Antwione Hughes. Back row, Keyonta Bland, Coach Julian Jones and Quinn Moore.
8 – Thursday, September 1, 2016 – El Dorado NEWS-TIMES

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