Page 20 - 2016 Football
P. 20
Tina Raney/Special to the News-Times
Bulldogs hope to overcome key losses on offense
Strong Bulldogs: With Greg Anthony now at the helm, Strong is looking to make the playoffs for the 11th time in the last 12 years. But if the Bulldogs are to accom- plish that task, they will have to do good work on the road. Strong has only three home games this fall, including a showdown with Parkers Chapel on Oct. 28.
By Jason Avery
News-Times Staff
Strong’s offense can be considered a case of both bad news and good news.
On the downside, Strong lost quarterback Javonte Foreman, running back Marvalus Howard and wide receiver Le’Andre Rucks to graduation with the latter attending Central Arkansas.
However, the cupboard is hardly bare for first- year coach Greg Anthony.
The offensive line has a solid nucleus of four juniors and one senior that should help ease the transition for the new- comers at the skill posi-
At quarterback, the
Bulldogs have two play- ers who have little expe- rience at the position in senior Javonte Newton and junior Desmond Newton.
“Those are the two that have been alternat- ing reps,” Anthony said. “They work real hard. They have a desire to do right. They’re very coachable. They’re very attentive to what you tell them. They try to do it exactly like you tell them to do it, and they’re both smart enough to under- stand that spot.”
Anthony wasn’t sure if
Javonte Newton would be capable of handling the position, but the senior has impressed.
“The first thing he told me when I met him when he introduced him- self was, ‘I’m Javonte Newton, and I’m your quarterback,’” Anthony said. “I didn’t know, so I threw him out there. In 7-on-7 this summer, it was questionable. I’m going, ‘This kid can’t be my quarterback. I need to find one that can throw it like I’ve seen in the past.’ But he’s gotten a whole lot better. He’s worked at it. He takes pride in it. Desmond is the same
way. They just compete.” likely be used in other ning back, and Javonte
But what makes the duo unique is that they will
spots on the offense. Both can play at run-
See STRONG, Page 21
20 – Thursday, September 1, 2016 – El Dorado NEWS-TIMES
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