Page 19 - 2016 Football
P. 19
Buckaroos feel the need for speed defensively
By Kev Moyé
News-Times Staff
SMACKOVER – The Smackover Buckaroo defense was created with speed in mind.
The Buckaroos are coached to always be the aggressor.
“This defense has a lot of speed. We always have speed. We may be small but we put speed on the field,” Smackover Coach Brian Strickland said. “We may bend but we will not break. But this defense, once they get playing time, they’ll do well.
“But the keys for the defense are remaining healthy and playing smart. We’ll have a lot of different guys rotating in and out. Coach (Dennis) Steele has done a great job with his defense. Coach (Tripper) Rowton has done well, coach (Cody) Cranford is doing a great job with the secondary.
But the players, as a group, I just think they need to get playing time under their belts before they take off.”
Why does Strickland have
Kev Moyé/News-Times
such high hopes for the defense?
“They’re a bunch of hard workers. There are days that we wonder if they’ll step
up. But the next day they’ll bounce back and do well,” he answered. “We really like the way this defense plays. Coach Steele has them playing hard. As long as we receive the right effort, good things are going to happen for them.”
Like any defense, the players up front must perform well for Smackover to flourish.
“At the d-end spot we have Tyrek Rucks back. Max Gaithright, after moving up from junior high, has really looked good during fall camp. Dorsey Williams is a senior who has worked hard. He’ll be on the field a lot. Kolbie Hamilton is a senior we need to step up and do a good job for us. Reave Mullens is really a d-tackle who if we need to, can slide down to a defensive end spot.”
Strickland likes the combi- nation of strength and athlet-
ic ability his defensive tackles possess.
“At defensive tackle along with Reave we have Hunter Goocher. Our linemen are defensive tackle, nose guard types who’ll play down,” the coach said. “Alex Eutsey along with Austin Jones we’ve con- sidered putting at the nose position. They’re big bodies but they’re also quick and can be disruptive.”
The linemen are expected to anchor the Smackover defense. “Right now the strength of the defense is our d-line,” Strickland stated. “I like the speed in the secondary and how they play. I like the line- backers. But they need expe-
The linebacker position was a
strength of the defense in 2015. But the players who manned those spots are now gone.
See DEFENSE, Page 23
Smackover wants to capitalize on having good special teams
By Kev Moyé
News-Times Staff
SMACKOVER – In regard to special teams, Smackover Coach Brian Strickland has worked hard to fine tune that portion of his squad.
“A team can win or lose games based on their special teams. It’s not just an offense and defense game. You’ve got to be able to cover the field on punts and kicks. You have also got to be able to field kickoffs and punts,” he said. “You have to be able to use that to your
advantage, to get good field position.
“It’s something we’ve really stressed over the years. And it has really helped us. It’s a phase of the game we have worked on.”
Throughout fall camp, sever- al players have battled for the lead role of either kicker or punter. Strickland is confident that he’ll find the right person to handle those duties.
“Charles Manning will be our kickoff man and punter. Kolbie Hamilton could punt for us.
Omari Wilbourn may also kick for us. Alex Eutsey can kick or punt,” the coach said. “Charles will likely kick extra points with Omari as his backup.
“Our holders will be Beau Burson and likely Bryce Lockhart. So we feel good about special teams.”
In previous seasons, Smackover benefited from one family basically handling all the kicking and punting responsibilities. But those indi- viduals are now graduated. Nonetheless, he’s optimistic
that everything will fall into place.
“This will be the first time in five years that we will not have a Purifoy kick for us. Just consider the three years that Keiandre kicked and the two years that his older brother Korey kicked,” Strickland stat- ed. “We take pride in our kick- ing game. It’s something that I believe will still be a strength for us.”
When it comes to returning kicks and punts, a person who can quickly maneuver around
the field is utilized. Once again, Smackover has several players who fit that mold.
“With punt return and kick return, the possibilities are Charles Manning and Michael Edwards. Omari Wilbourn, Corbin Lee, Peyton Jones are the players who’ve been work- ing at that spot also,” Strickland said. “Tyrek Rucks will be back there working at kick return also. We’ve got speed and some big bodies back there. We should have good returns this season.”
Observing the action: Smackover Defensive Coordinator Dennis Steele closely watches the action during the Buckaroos’ scrimmage against Parkers Chapel at Norphlet High School.
Continued from Page 19
assembly of Buckaroos such a joy to be around? “They have fun with each other. They like to have a good time. But when it’s time to go to work, they get after it. They’re always wanting to do a little more work,” he answered. “They just don’t seem to have any quit in them. They’re wanting to get on the field. They want to get after somebody. It’s just a fun team
to be around.”
The Buckaroos’ approach to each practice simplifies
Strickland’s task.
“Once the players get here, they’re working hard,” he
said. “That’s made it easy on the coaching staff. When they’re here, they are ready to work.”
That willingness to grind will be tested throughout the season. And Strickland is excited to see how the Buckaroos respond.
“The schedule is brutal. We did that for a reason. It’s hard to find teams that want to play. The 3A teams
down here, we’re in their conference. In 2A a lot of teams don’t want to play up,” Strickland said. “But we were fortunate to keep the rivalry with Harmony Grove. They’re loaded this year. We then have Harding Academy, who’s the defending 3A state champs. When you have the defending 3A state champions coming to your place, that’s big.
“We end non-conference play with Fountain Lake in week three. Fountain Lake is more of a Wing-T style of team that we’ll see when we play Fordyce and McGehee – which are two big conference games. I wanted us to get an early look at that Wing-T.”
The winner of the 6-3A crown will have worked hard to claim the feat, according to Strickland.
“You’ve got to put Junction City at the top of the standings. They had a lot of young players last year who are now back. Junction City, they know how to win. McGehee was kind of young last season. We saw them in 7-on-7 and they look real good,” the coach
says. “Fordyce has a lot of players back. I know they graduated their quarterback and running back, but they have so many players returning. Also, when Smackover and Fordyce play it’s always a battle.
“Also, Fouke is loaded. We have to go over there this year. It’s going to be tough. Plus they have an excellent ball club and an excellent coaching staff.”
The coach stated that the easy games are few and far between in the 6-3A.
“This conference from top to bottom is tough,” the coach said. “You can be a good team and finish fifth.” What must the Buckaroos do to have another suc-
cessful season?
“We have to stay healthy. We can’t beat ourselves.
Our seniors have to step up and lead the way,” Strickland answered. “The young guys will have to follow. We have some guys who have been in the bat- tles. We’ll need them to do for this team what they’ve done in the past.”
El Dorado NEWS-TIMES – Thursday, September 1, 2016 – 19

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